What is IAPCHE?

IAPCHE is a network of institutions and individuals worldwide committed to advancing Christian education through training, capacity building, scholarship, and networking in ways that reflect both the universal (shared view of Christ’s centrality in our identity and work) and the local (attending to the specific realities and practices of where and who we serve). It was founded in 1975 in South Africa with the aim of bringing together reformed higher education institutions through networking and mutual exchange. Over the years IAPCHE became more and more ecumenical as it spread its networks to all corners of the world and drew members from different denominations and countries. Today it has regional offices in Costa Rica, India, and Kenya, and the head office is located at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. IAPCHE is run by an executive director who reports to a ten-member board representing Africa, Asia/Oceania, Europe, Latin America, and North America.